Press Release: European network against antisemitism launched
Berlin, April 16th, 2024: ENMA – the European Network on Monitoring Antisemitism – débuted its initiative to document antisemitism across Europe at the Representation of the European Commission today. As antisemitic narratives, actors and the rise of incidents transcend national borders, the network offers a timely response to the urgent fight against antisemitism.
Download the press-release here.
The network strives to fill a pressing gap in the fight against antisemitism: The need for improved data collection on antisemitic incidents. According to the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) antisemitic incidents are underreported and the available data on antisemitism is far from being comparable between the EU Member States. ENMA aims to become a Europe-wide gateway to data on antisemitism.
The newly formed network consists of Jewish and non-Jewish civil-society organizations from various European countries and aims to grow further. Member organizations document antisemitic incidents based on categories developed in the light of the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial and Distortion. ENMA-members are committed to build and maintain a reporting infrastructure for Jewish communities and affected persons in their respective countries.
The Bundesverband RIAS (Federal Association of Department for Research and Information on Antisemitism) from Germany, the Reporting Centre for Antisemitism of the Jewish Community Vienna from Austria and the Jewish Association Czulent from Poland are the founding members. ENMA is funded by the European Union and also supported by the Alfred Landecker Foundation.
Benjamin Steinitz, Executive Director of Bundesverband RIAS:
“Antisemitism is on the rise in Europe, but too little is known about its transnational dimension. For the first-time comparable data about antisemitism across various European countries will be made available. Our efforts are coordinated with key Jewish umbrella organisations and will improve the reporting infrastructure for antisemitic incidents. The network unifies the civil society based documentation of antisemitism in Europe. ENMA is an overdue response to existing national and European strategies against antisemitism. It is without a doubt a game changer in the European landscape on antisemitism research and prevention.”
Katharina von Schnurbein, European Commission Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life:
“You need to make antisemitism visible in order to be able to fight it. Currently we are missing a scientific methodology that has the trust of the Jewish communities. The EU is supporting the establishment of the European Network Monitoring Antisemitism to strengthen the capacity among organisations that monitor incidents across Europe. Getting an adequate picture of antisemitism in our societies is a precondition toproperly inform politicians and decision makers. We welcome that RIAS is teaming up with Czulent and theIsraelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien, and belief that ENMA’s methodology has the potential to make a verysignificant contribution to our common fight against antisemitism.”
Ariella Woitchik, Director of European Affairs, European Jewish Congress:
“Amid a significant rise of antisemitism in Europe and around the world, particularly following the pogrom of October 7th, the launch of ENMA is more crucial than ever. Harmonizing and strengthening the methodological tools for identifying and monitoring antisemitic crimes and instances of Holocaust denial and distortion is essential to properly inform stakeholders and effectively protect European Jewish communities. ENMA was established to address this need and the European Jewish Congress welcomes and stands behind this timely initiative.”
Benjamin Nägele, Secretary General Jewish Communities of Austria:
“The importance of collecting valid and consistent data on antisemitic incidents across countries was something that we, the founding partners, were aware of for a long time. The explosion of incidents in all our countries since October 7, 2023, has only underlined this once again. The figures show that the rise in antisemitism is not just a subjective feeling but an objective fact across Europe – this is shocking and, frankly, frightening. This makes it all the more important that we have created the right foundation for data collection with ENMA, which can then lead to Europe-wide countermeasures.”
Anna Zielinska, Board Member Jewish Association Czulent:
“ENMA plays a crucial role in monitoring and combating antisemitism across Europe. This helps identify mutual connections and trends of this phenomenon. It is significant due to the increasingly common occurrence of antisemitic content as a tool of disinformation and social polarization. Additionally, we observe a growing politicization of antisemitism. From this perspective, maintaining strong partnerships and collaboration is essential for effectively addressing the issue across different jurisdictions and ideological landscapes in politically changing environments.”